In pursuit of decorating the coastal condo and preparing to take pictures we will use for the VRBO and Airbnb listings, I have been scouring the internet and Pawleys Island, SC for cute and classic decor that will fit in with my design aesthetic. I made a quick trip to Target, over the weekend, and scored a ton of good finds that fit the bill! Today I am going to share some with you and hope you hurry out and score them too – if you are in the market for a freshen up.
Okay, a bit of background – remember these items are for our rental condo. My tips in these situations is to look for economical pieces while also keeping the quality decent and the look should be classic, neutral. This way you can build a foundation that can easily be taken in many different directions with pops of color, art, or seasonal items. Having neutral, classic items on hand always make it so easy to make changes or accommodate new items. Specifically, you want to build up your inventory of bowls, vessels, candles, trays, faux plants (cuz who has time to keep those things alive).
For the coastal condo, I am going to light and airy feelings to the space. I am keeping all major furniture, rugs, and decor items neutral while I use pillows, blankets, small object and art to bring in color. Taking this approach will allow me to change “the look” through switching out colored items very easily if they get damaged, I change my mind, or want to make seasonal adjustments. You can achieve this too in your own home whether you rent or own.
**This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click on the link and buy a product that I have showcased, I could receive a small commission. I appreciate your trust and engagement as this is one of the main ways I am able to continue to fund this website and bring quality content to you.
For more coastal condo decor and Target finds visit Petite Palmetto page where I am constantly updating products.
For more information about the coastal condo and to get updates on how to visit/rent visit Petite Palmetto – a vacation rental.
Lastly, drop me a note or email if you have any questions and be sure to follow me on Instagram stories for details on where and how I will use all of these products. If you miss it, check out my IG highlight!
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